This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how Medicalmet Sdn. Bhd. [Company No. 202201019793(1465490­X)] (“the Company”), a subsidiary of Advisory Apps Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 1176817­H) collects and uses the data, including personal data (collectively known as “Data”) uploaded or provided by the Company’s customer for the use of web application and “MedicalMet” mobile software application (collectively known as “MedicalMet”).             

Collection of Personal Data

Data includes “Personal Data” means the information that you, as the customer of the Company provided or uploaded to MedicalMet, include but not limited to name, address, telephone number, identity card number, email address, personal preferences, residential addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts, health insurance numbers, credit card information, patient treatment notes, records and any information that have been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. In respect of Personal Data of any third parties, such as the spouse and family members of the patient, you warrant that you have obtained their consent allowing us to process their personal data.

In addition to the Data that you provide to the Company directly or indirectly, the Company may also collect your Data from various other sources, including but not limited to the information obtained from third parties through lawful sources or at events organized or participated by the Company.

We directly collect your Data if you send an enquiry to us from our website, use MedicalMet, or get in touch with us by chat, email, or phone. We may also collect some Data if you engage with us through social media.

We indirectly collect Data when you use MedicalMet to record data of someone else. A typical scenario would be when you record the information of your patient.

We may collect your Data from online search tools, website, including but not limited to the following:-

  • Browser and hardware data, such as IP address, type of device, operating system, browser type, screen resolution, language, device make and model, as well as the versions of the above mentioned services.
  • Cookie and tracking technology data, which would include pages visited, time spent on pages, language preferences, and other anonymous traffic data.
  • Transaction data, including details about the subscription fees, payment dates, and renewal dates.

The provision of your Data is voluntary, However, if you do not provide your Data, the Company may not be able to (i) communicate with you; or (ii) provide you the services you require (iii) access to MedicalMet.

Purposes of Processing

The Company may use and process your Data for the purpose relating to the services you have requested and for the business activities of the Company which shall include, without limitation:-

  • To communicate with you;
  • To respond to questions and comments from you;
  • For internal administrative purposes;
  • To provide information to local authority, regulatory and government authorities in order to comply with statutory and government requirements;
  • For the Company to comply with its obligations under the law;

and you agree and consent to the Company using and processing your Data in the manner as identified in this Policy.

We may, with consent, use email addresses to share news, tips, updates and special offers and you can unsubscribe at any time.

The Data may be used to provide medical service, medical follow up, consultancy service, and any other services that you may provide from time to time. 

Other ways we may use your Data:

  • To deliver customer service and assist you with any inquiries you may have.
  • To analyze trends, administer or optimise MedicalMet, monitor usage or traffic patterns (including to track users’ movements around MedicalMet) and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
  • To control unauthorised use or abuse of MedicalMet —or otherwise detect, investigate or prevent activities that may violate our policies or be illegal.

Disclosure to Third Parties

The Company may engage other companies, service providers or individuals to perform functions on the Company behalf, and consequently may provide access or disclose to your Personal Data to the third parties such as those listed below (not exhaustive):-

  • Information technology (IT) service providers;
  • Data entry service providers;
  • Storage facility providers;
  • Insurance providers;
  • Any professional advisors and external auditors;
  • Local authorities regulatory and government authorities and their agents in order to comply with statutory and government requirements;
  • Any utilities providers.

Except as described in this Policy, MedicalMet will not share, sell, or rent your Data with anyone without your permission or unless ordered by a court of law.

You have the option to provide your API keys to any third-party software to allow them to access to your Data.

We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of these third-party services and you are responsible for reading and understanding their privacy policies if you wish to use their services.

In rare circumstances, we may be obliged to disclose your Data and we will only disclose it if required by law.

Access & Correction Requests and Inquiries

All the Data collected is encrypted, stored in state-of-the-art facilities and the access is restricted to those who have a need to know. We regularly review our technology to maintain security.

Subject to any exceptions under applicable laws, you may at any time access to MedicalMet for correction or rectification of your Data or seek further assistance from the Company via email:

The Company do not provide any services to relocate or move your Data to any other platform. You shall be liable or responsible for any loss of Data in the event you choose to move your Data to any other platform or service.

By using MedicalMet, you hereby consent to the processing of your Data by the Company and all persons involved in the provision of services by the Company. The Company shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Policy at any time. By continuing to communicate with the Company or by continuing to use MedicalMet, any modifications, updates or amendments to this Policy shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments.

Your Data will be stored with us permanently until your account is terminated or suspended. Please refer to the Term of Use (Customer) at

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Malaysia and each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of Malaysia.

We may review and change this policy from time to time. When we do, we’ll update this version located at