It is possible to request the deletion of all the information we have collected about your app data or app account. 

To fully comply with this request, means the permanent closure and deletion of your app data or app account. This includes all in-app currency and progress, whether paid for or not. 


How can data be deleted?

Please fill in the form below and submit it, we undertake to perform the deletion within one month (30 calendar days) and will send you a confirmation once the information has been deleted. Wherever possible, we will aim to complete the request in advance of the deadline. 

A user of MedicalMet, can delete the user account upon request. This data is deleted from the system after reviewed and cannot be recovered by any users or MedicalMet employees after this point. Data which has been deleted or otherwise destroyed can not be recovered at any time. Sufficient warning is given to the account administrator before data are permanently deleted.

We undertake to perform the deletion within one month (30 calendar days) and will send you a confirmation once the information has been deleted. Wherever possible, we will aim to complete the request in advance of the deadline.